9 thoughts on “Let The Beatings Commence

  1. I would normally agree with such a statement but considering how many teabaggers are running would you really want a Deleware witch or some of the others who wouldn't know the constitution if it kicked them in the ass in power?What we need is a national referendum to get rid of all the corporate money that's running this country. Both sides have become nothing more than over priced hookers.

  2. The trick would be voting 'em all out without voting anyone in. Nice quiet much more efficient and corruption-free government for a while until the pols wondered where all the TV cameras disappeared to.

  3. [q]The trick would be voting 'em all out without voting anyone in. [/q]Shit NO. Hairy-nosed Shmoozes already prepared for such "smartness". No fucking candidate that has not bow to them yet will be even promote to fucking ballot.They are filling in EVERY corner of this shit. Look at FL: "Charly Christ" (yeah, I bet this is his real name, sure) is "Independent" now.For what fucking reason this squacko changed his hat?This is their fucking plan: to not let us to choose the real guy/gal. Every ass-leaking piece of shit is dancing under "their" fucking flute.

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