An Open Letter To a BlueDog Congressman In Washington State

The following is verbatim, the message I just sent to my Congressman who voted for immunity for the Telecoms today, Brian Baird.

Mr. Baird,
You have just cast a vote, that is supposed to represent your constituency, to allow the shredding of the Constitutional protection against unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant.
What part of the 54 words in the 4th amendment do you not seem to understand?
Spare me the fear mongering that you are trying to do your duty to protect me from terrorists, I consider you a bigger threat to my civil liberties than the probability of anyone from another country trying to kill me outright for political reasons.
Believe me, this is not the only disagreement with your public actions I have, either.

After your trip to Iraq and your very public exclamation that the situation there was not only stable, but greatly improved, I became even more aware of your BlueDog ways.
The latest outrage besides you voicing your opinion that it is perfectly acceptable for my government to coerce the Telecom providers to intercept my private data transfers and without a warrant, share my personal information and the contents of my correspondence with untold government agencies who have no oversight,is that you seem to have convinced yourself that you need to travel at taxpayer expense to the Galapagos Islands to study Global warming.
Sir, I can tell you without leaving my house, it is very warm at that latitude this time of year, every year.
Mr. Baird, at this point, as a life long Democrat, I feel that it is my duty to inform you that I am going to go out of my way to see that you are not re-elected. There is absolutely nothing that you can say to me to try and convince me you have my best interests in mind for anything you do.

In the interest of full disclosure, something I highly recommend you start availing yourself of, I have a Blog, I participate in the Democratic process, I am going to reproduce this letter to the general public and I am going to start an awareness campaign to see you replaced, ASAP.

Enjoy your trip.

My name.

17 thoughts on “An Open Letter To a BlueDog Congressman In Washington State

  1. Outstanding letter Busted! I agree wholeheartedly. I will do everything possible to make sure the two in my area are NOT re-elected.

  2. Busted,
    Longtime listener, first time caller. Enjoyed the rant on the sight as much as the letter.

    Have added your blog to our bookmarks and will check back often. Good rants, thanks.


    Oh yeah, fruitcake holding the truck in the driveway? Spewed my coffee and guffawed out loud.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree–I can’t stand Baird either and will vote against him come November. Cheryl Christ is a progressive that was trying to run against Baird, but of course at the state Dem. convention they all went and rallied around behind this bastard and endorsed him. Nevertheless, it would be a fine thing if she won the primary out from under him.

  4. Been without net access 6/11 thru 6/20 due to company idiots putting their equipment in a basement in the flood plain in Iowa on a river known to flood. Duh!
    Didn’t realize how much I missed reading your site. You are a gem! I’ve sent a bunch of links to this post and want to add my thanks to all the others.
    I wish you’d run for office. You’d have my vote for any office you might choose.
    Again, thanks for speaking up with force and intelligence. Damn good letter!

  5. Fuckin A Bro. Great post. I like the new digs. Will update my blogroll accordingly.

    Checking to see how my guy voted now. I may just cut and paste your entire letter, but I’m hoping I don’t have to.


  6. I’m going to copy this and send it around the internet. My suggestion is that a writer make minor changes so it doesn’t look like a boiler plate form letter. Throw in your own personnal complaints when sending it to your own congressperson.

  7. hope that came from our discussion. Defazio voted against and would have expected nothing less considering how the lumber payments are effecting us down here and how he feels about that. Also he and blumenhauer are leading the charge on the oil companies using the existing leases (over 6000) that they are not using before congress issues more. Keep an eye on this also. Baird is asshole along with the other 105 that voted for this clusterfuck of the american constitution. That includes that impeachment is off the table Palosi. I cannot believe that someone that professes that she supports her people would turn around and stab them in the back in the very city that the story broke on the secret wire tapping. I say vote to change these go along to get along fuckers. The repubicans have force fed us there agenda since 1992 and we have had to eat it like the yummy shit sandwitch in which it was. I say fuck um. keep it up bro.


  8. You sure are an ornery son of a bitch aren’t you!

    I met Baird at a little pre-town hall breakfast last Winter. I asked him face to face about impeaching the criminals in the white house and he said “aint gonna happen”. All I can figure is that the fix was in long ago and that we were fucked long ago, just didn’t feel it so bad till they twisted it a bit.

    I hauled a ton of scrap iron and bunch of non-ferrous to Schnitzers last week and didn’t stop by AGAIN. Man, I was BEAT. My little short-bed Ranger was grunting, but is a Multnomah County surplus with big-ole overloads on it…

  9. I’ll take that as a compliment, yes I am.
    What I am NOT is just another Sheeple.
    I tend to get pissed off when they don’t use lube while they are fucking me.
    It’s fucking horse shit what they do and they can go fuck themselves if they think I am going sit here and take it over and over again.
    Bullshit, the motherfuckers are criminals and get paid a lot of goddamn money doing it.
    Did you happen to see some dirty motherfucker is trying to revive the assault weapon ban all over again?
    Bigger than shit!
    H.R. 6257.

    It’s that kind of sneaky fucking shit that makes me want to have a little breakfast meeting with some of these cocksuckers.

  10. Proud of you, son. I completely agree with your comments
    and pissed that Baird would vote for this piece-of-shit
    legislation despite my own calls and e-mails asking him to
    oppose it. Lou Dobbs suggestion to re-register as an
    Independant seems more reasonable every day.

  11. Thanks Pop.
    As for registering as an Independant,
    When the punks move in next door and start harassing me, shortly after I start cleaning my guns on the front porch, they inexplicably decide to be good citizens soon after.
    I have been a registered Democrat since 1978.
    I ain’t letting these Punk asses hijack my party without a fight.
    They need to Move On.
    There is more of us than there is of them.

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