The War In America

Not the Iraq war, not The War on Terror,not the War on Drugs,

the Class War, us vs. them,the rich against the poor and middle class.

We have really been taking a beating since Bush swiped the Presidency, twice.

Tax breaks for the rich?

Reaganomics V2.0.

The Bankruptcy Law giveaway?

A back breaking assault on the front line of Americans already shell shocked by the constant bombardment of trying to stay afloat against the rip tide of stagnant wages, the rising cost of living, unaffordable housing and skyrocketing energy and medical costs.

There is no middle class left to speak of, not the way it was defined forty years ago.

The rich have gotten richer at a staggering rate, being a millionaire used to be being rich beyond imagination, now the super rich laugh at mere millionaire’s.

We have been gamed, set up for failure before we even start walking and talking.

Take a look around you if you are over Forty and tell me this country even remotely resembles the one you grew up in.

It is a Fascist Police State now, not a Democracy, has been for quite awhile now.

We currently have more American citizens in jail than any other country on the planet.

The rest of us are so busy trying to survive we don’t have the time or energy to even fight back, just the way they want it.

Now take a look at the justice system that has put all these people in jail, do you not see a drastic difference to how people with money and influence are treated for breaking the exact same law as you or I?

I do.

Scooter Libby ring a bell?

Warrantless wiretaps, the Total Information gathering project, the deliberate gutting of Habeus Corpus, the list goes on and on.

How about pay scales?

CEO getting hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for running a company into the ground?

It does not compute unless you happen to BE one of these people.

Look at the current financial meltdown , not just allowed but encouraged by our current crop of supposed government administrators and caretakers.

Now we are backing the buyout of billion dollar bankruptcies in Corporate America by their business competitors with tax payer money!

Billions and billions of dollars have flat out disappeared from the vaults of our country into Iraq and no one can be bothered to find out where it went. Oil companies are being subsidized after taking in profits never seen before in the history of man!

I have not even scratched the surface of one percent of the economic and social depravities inflicted on the average American over the last two hundred years.

The last eight years have seen that pattern explode in new injustices and now it is time to fight back.

The only way we can strike a crippling blow is to strip these sinister bastards from power. Without the power of selective lawmaking and enforcement there is a small glimmer of hope that the abuses of the recent past can be stopped from procreating in a system rotten to the core.

At this point I am not willing to sue for peace, there is no truce in this war, only the power to force the laws to work the way the ones with the reins want them to work.

We need to take those reins come November.

16 thoughts on “The War In America

  1. this shit pisses me off too. i read a book called “the road to serfdom” that explains why this has happened, even though it happened after the book was written (1944). corporatism is the problem. the government and the people both serve corporate interests, and 99.9% of us get screwed in the deal. David Rockefeller, on the other hand, gets richer.

    the basic point of the book is this: the government has to plan for competition–that is, eliminate the opportunities for an established corporation to squash competitors, because the lack of competition is what keeps wages stagnant and prices rising. To accomplish this, we must pass laws that prevent collusion and monopoly, and we must refrain from excessively regulating industry, because regulations and complicated taxes always hurt the upstart competitors of an established business.

    The University of Chicago’s Economics and Law fields have produced a lot of studies that prove planning for competition works; it will create and maintain a motivated middle class that can actually plan for retirement without selling an organ. It would also bring about unprecedented entrepreneurship and innovation. Free markets do work, but not when the state allows collusion, or promotes it as our government has done.

  2. Excellent post, it is refreshing to say the least to see posts like this were others actually see and understand what is really going on and how it works and yes I love to see names such as the Rockefellers in these as most people do not realize that this war on society was created by the Rockefellers the Bushes etc, great work keep posting them.

  3. excellent

    i might have to “steal” (with credit) — some of this
    i am gonna do a whole blog on class and the deep problems of the economic divide

    you have given me more inspiration…..

  4. BTW I have been saying for weeks- there are TWO Elephants sitting in the living room….ONE is race ( that Obama spoke to this week…) and the Other…Poverty….and your post nailed it too…thank you.

  5. You hit the fucking nail on the head with this one. I have decided to lay a little low for now on the electoral politics stuff, so I can really channel the motherfucking outrage during the general election campaign. We gotta get rid of these fucking despicable right-wing motherfuckers!!!!!!

  6. Right wing Left wing it makes no difference anymore they are all one in the same with one thing in mind self preservation by financially ruining society.

  7. I have seen it happen throughout my life in order to become rich you have to steal or take the money from friends and family. The high class call it swindling money. They should think about what they do before they do what they do. Now it is illegal because and the truth has been suppressed. I mean how else do you control people and not let them know. You cover up your tracks like they have through the years. People are finding out so they are trying to kill us off. They are afraid were afraid for years that we would fight back if we found out. If they keep us busy and poor by giving us scraps. You see how they treated slaves they thought of them as animals. I feel bad for black people because they were treated the worst. They do fight back, and that is why they hate them so much. They might have made things worse for everyone, but we can’t blame them. Imagine how you would become if you were beat with a whip. Made to live in a shed, the animals in cages like dogs, cats, etc they can relate to. The reason some people have treated there kids that way is because sometimes what happened to them is what they learned that is the way things are supposed to be. If you’ve lived your life comfortable then it is hard to understand. You wouldn’t let that happen to you right. It is obvious that children are susceptible to what there parents teach them by there experiences of what they see, feel, hear, and are told what to do. It’s like magic you write a formula for how you want your child to be. The only reason it doesn’t always work is the public school system. Now we have the internet, and we can choose to be different. I’m sorry to have to be the one who discovered the truth that has been covered up. The bible has been shoved in our ass for years to distract us and make us believe the only dream they wanted us to because if people knew the truth. They would want things to change. The meaning of Magic the first books were burned and destroyed, because people started to realize that people could have what ever they want. All you had to do is think about it and a path will present itself to you. Certain people got greedy and decided that they would cover it up by calling them crazy, or evil. Is it not evil to treat people as slaves and force them to believe in lies that have been written to keep us walking around stupid not knowing the truth because if anyone said anything they were killed. Why do you think they killed the man that said the earth is round. The potential power of our minds were greater than we ever expected. We were dominating each other and going to war over the power we had over each other. Before you call me crazy I want you to do an experiment of your own. Think of a food that you would like then as you go down the road or to the grocery store you will come see what you want. Money was just a way to control us saying we have to work to get those things. Priests even say that and look how easy they have it, Just entertain the notion that there is a supreme being that created us to work hard and suffer the rest of our lives while they are doing just fine they have a nice car because there true crop and business of making money. Charity there are people in other countries and in our own who are starving right. Why not create commercials to make the poor people feel bad while the rich pretend to. It is brainwash the the rich have so much money they can afford the commercial why are they wasting there money on the commercial you say.. Think about it if they can keep us spending what extra money we have we will never move up the ladder. “Thoughts become things” we are the catalysts, specimens, and experiments. We are the birds on the power lines, and in the trees that you see the rich kid throwing rocks at and laughing. Think about what politics are really trying to get us to think with what they present on tv. Manufacturing, and Manifesting how they want you to feel and think. It’s not freedom by far. No matter what race you are think about it like this how bad is it that just like a king in his castle in ancient history the government the largest house in the us. It is called the “White” House, first of all this is a representation of what the powers that built it were thinking. Like the KKK “White Power” the presidents for years have been sitting on there asses at there fancy desks deciding I don’t like the way this other country is run. Like in the Jetsons, lets just push a button the poor our like robots. We will let there children off to be slaughtered. We will show that we care by sending more giving the families the illusion that we care. If they refuse to go to war we will invent the draft proving that we can do what ever we want. The government are the worst people on earth. You talk about scum they think it’s ok to be bullies if you have a fancy over coat, then you look like a fancy looking walking lump of shit. We are letting them control us. There is not as many of them as there are poor people. We don’t have to fight them or for them. I have a better Ideal. Invent our own money. Just like the rich fuckers did during the depression. Group together again, and weed out everyone that is socially unacceptable. We have printers. to make our own money. Forget the system of money though. how about we work for each other for common growth and well being of each other. Find the best people you know rethink our way of doing things and flush people like them out of our society. That is the only way we will truly become better and our technology will advance as far as our creative minds and dreams could ever imagine. A separate society where nobody is forced to think the same as another because one person thinks everyone else should have too. Slavery – forcing a person to think and act the same as you think, making people do things they do not want to when we can build machines that can accomplish those tasks for us. We do not need the government or there churches which enslave us anymore. We have free will, and we can live without them. The truth is that they cannot exist if we quit giving them money. and we quit accepting it. Treat money like they treat us, spit on it, burn it and walk away. It is not possible to throw everyone in jail somebody has to be there slave to make that possible. Are we tired of being voluntary slaves sacrificing our own lives, watching our children die and for what fancy printed paper? Its just special paper with ink on it. Trust me we can make more, and we will not starve either all it takes to plant a garden is to chop up dirt in a whole in the ground and bring water to it from a stream, lake, or river. They don’t want you to know that your can clean waste water easily. Just use sand as a filter and boiling water is also easy burning wood. Coffee filters are good for filtering out the residue left at the top. Nice to know that your coffee is always made with filtered water huh. Just think about how the earth filters water in fresh water springs.

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