Things Just Got Interesting, Scotty Has A Date With HJC

I just recieved this in an email from Congressman Wexler;

Dear Busted,

Our campaign for accountability for the Bush administration is making legitimate progress.

I am pleased to announce to you that the House Judiciary Committee has met my public call for Scott McClellan’s immediate testimony with action:

Today, Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers officially invited Mr. McClellan to testify under oath on Friday, June 20th at 10AM.

After all of our hard work pushing for impeachment hearings for Vice President Cheney – the McClellan hearing provides our cause with a legitimate opportunity to showcase the crimes and violations of this Administration for the American people, the mainstream media, reluctant members of the Democratic party, and sensible Republicans. This hearing provides us our first genuine opportunity to enter the public consciousness and change the dynamics that have prevented true accountability for Bush and Cheney.

Mr. McClellan was a major figure in the Valerie Plame/CIA scandal, as well as a leading propagandist for the Bush White House’s deliberate attempts to hide the true costs of this war from the American public. As such, Mr. McClellan will testify under oath (and be subject to perjury charges should he lie) and be asked about the following matters:

1. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney , and key administration officials take in the effort to reveal the identity of covert CIA agent Valeria Plame Wilson – thus destroying her network and putting lives in jeopardy?
2. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and key administration officials take regarding the firing of U.S. Attorneys or political reasons?
3. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, key administration officials take in conspiring to blatantly break U.S. and International laws prohibiting the use of torture?

I call on Mr. McClellen to immediately accept this invitation and testify under oath as he previously agreed to while being interviewed on national television.

Scottie had better lay low until he can get some protection 24/7 so he can actually show up.
After that, GAME ON.

Scotty says Yes, he’ll come, wonders what to wear.

4 thoughts on “Things Just Got Interesting, Scotty Has A Date With HJC

  1. Yea-get this little prick under oath and hopefully put enough pressure on him that he spills his guts. If he evades bring him back if he doesn’t answer again and again. What about the Rovian Texas pig boy? Are they going to force him to testify under oath or is it all smoke like in the past? If they do get him under oath I might have to go to town and get all pissed up to celebrate.

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