A reasonable politician

Obama gave a damn good speech Monday that’s naturally received little attention. Maybe because he simply explains what he understands about the race instead of poking someone in the eye and creating drama the media has no use for it.

He doesn’t throw his pastor under the bus and doesn’t try to be politically correct or take shots at his opponents. This has basically shut everybody up. Maybe that’s the best sign of all. The race baiting hyperbole from the lazy ass media has stopped until they give the subject more thought.

Obama actually shows he knows how to bring about change. Start by truly understanding what everybody believes and why they think their actions are perfectly reasonable and then focus on the common goals.

It’s too long to quote entirely here but you can read it, and watch it, here.


This gives me hope.

Once that is done the treasonous bastards can have their fair trial and we can impeach the lying sob’s.

6 thoughts on “A reasonable politician

  1. I’m no fan of Obama’s by any means, but it was a good speech. It said a lot about where race relations are these days. Couldn’t believe some of the crap I took for writing that over at No Quarter…

    Anyway, I’ll give him that. Credit where it’s due.

  2. If he is elected Busted can the bought off whores in congress some how be forced to do the right thing? The same goes for HC too. You can damn well bet the majority as usual will be on their knees in front of McCain when it’s stolen for the third time. Faith level is in the shitter.

  3. In a word Bud, no.
    The motherfuckers are going to have to get pink slipped, one by one, until some of the stupid bastards minions notices a whole bunch of new faces and tells the ignorant fuck they had better straighten up because for some damn reason people seem to be pissed off about something.
    That’s what it’s going to take.

  4. What makes you think Obama is any different from Clinton when it comes to being bought off? Go over to opensecrets and check out where the money comes for those two. There’s no difference worth talking about. Obama is so tied into the Chicago machine he might as well be Daley’s younger brother.

    The primary reason these guys get away with this stuff is that no one pays attention.

  5. hey tal,

    Good post I too thought it an inspiring speech and think that in time it will be put with the great speeches of our time. The guy speaks to the realities of what real on the ground america is about. Hard working people that are just trying to carve out there own space. What disturbs me though is that people that I have talked to about it have the distinct deer in the headlights look and then slowly stick there heads back up there ass. I agree with nuckles that a revolution of ideas and conversation in the sphere is what can start to constitute a change. While I don’t agree with cujo I have done my research on this guy and am confident I won’t have to apply sunblock to my ass due to the sunshine being blown up it. thank for the post keep on commin.

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