My Contempt For Joe Lieberman Is Infinite And Eternal

Lieberman should be immediately stripped of every chair of every committee he is on, PERMANENTLY banished from the Democratic party and forced to crawl on broken glass to personally apologize to every constituent who voted him back into office over Ned Lamont.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, I am talking to YOU!

Senator Lieberman has finally molted his snake skin and emerged as a full fledged Republican, at no ones surprise, especially mine.

Get a load of this little piece of news from the new and improved Think Progress.

Sorry, I was quite angry and lifted the whole piece, it’s not very long.

Lieberman to attend GOP convention.

lmc.jpg In a Friday interview with the Stamford Advocate, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) — one of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) foreign policy advisers — said he would attend the Republican National Convention this summer:

Friday, Lieberman said he will attend the Republican National Convention this summer, “if Senator McCain thinks it will be helpful to be there in some capacity.” […]

“I am not going to attend the Democratic Convention for obvious reasons,” Lieberman said.

Lieberman, whose Democratic superdelegate status was stripped earlier this year, also added that he’d likely support Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) against his Democratic challenger. “I am going to wait and see, but let me just say Chris Shays is a great congressman,” Lieberman said.

For the obvious reason he is a warmongering, opportunistic, sycophantic, modern day Benedict Arnold.

You know why Benedict Arnold is still infamous over two hundred years after his death?

He was a traitor to his country, just like Joe Lieberman is a traitor to his party.

He is a sad shell of a man, no man I know would do what he has done and still have a shred of self respect but not Joe, nope, he still thinks he’s on top of the world.

Licking the boots of his Republican masters and begging for scraps, he is the Smeagol of politics.

Beneath contempt.

Like the egg sucking dog he is, he crawls on his belly , licking the hands of his masters while sneaking about when they are not looking to do his deeds.

I have news for the Republican party, you are more than welcome to this pariah.

Tell him your plans and secrets, please. Then be prepared to watch him out of the corner of your eye from now on, as you can see, he prostrates himself to the highest bidder.

Come November when the Republicans are licking their wounds and crying in their beer I hope someone remembers to kick Joe Lieberman , just for good measure.

I have a message for you too Lieberman, think twice before you decide to wag your finger in my face and tell me as a lifelong Democrat how I am supposed to behave when it comes to your criminal Republican buddies, you don’t EVEN want to see what will happen next.

6 thoughts on “My Contempt For Joe Lieberman Is Infinite And Eternal

  1. Oh yeah, after I clicked on it I remembered Cujo. The Lamont capers.SPIT.
    I have hated the weaseling little prick for a long time. he reminds me of Mr. Burns on The Simpsons, except without any spine at all.
    Just a weaseling opportunistic back stabbin little cretin who would wet his pants if you got within arms reach and wouldn’t hesitate to poison your dog kinda asshole.

  2. It was expected. Lieberman wants a better sounding title before he dies and he’s willing to ride any coat tail he thinks will get him there. He’s been blowing republican dick for years now. He’s going to die a very very disappointed old man. Such is the path he walks. *shrug*

    The latest is only him coming out of the closet so to speak after everyone already knew. An anti-climax.

  3. When Strom Thurmond finally left the Democratic party, Herblock did a good cartoon quoting some writer, “Some weep because they part; some because they never parted.”

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