My Baby Is BACK!!!!!

If ya don’t believe in miracles, I got one for ya.
If you have been reading here for a while, first off, I would like to sincerely thank you, second, you will remember I lost my cat Baby, two months ago.
Broke my fucking heart.
I had raised the little varmint since before her eyes had changed color and she could sleep in the palm of my hand.

I got a phone call at work today on my cell.
A young lady asked if she was talking to the right person and then said, “I have your cat”.

Excuse me?
“I have your cat”.

My fuckin heart stopped beating.

I just went and picked her up. I am still in shock.
I didn’t even ask how they got my number, the name of the vet’s office where I had her fixed is on her rabies tag, they must have called and gave them the tag number and the vet then gave them my cell phone number.
She lives directly across the street from the Safeway where I last saw my cat, in the very house I last saw the little shit go into the yard from a distance, at night, two months ago!
She has been right there, for two months, and I bet I have driven by there twenty times looking for her.
The lady who called me’s Mom is the one who had been feeding my cat and the daughter finally got close enough to grab her. Baby is pretty skittish and don’t let strangers get too close.
She recognized me though!

I couldn’t thank the nice lady enough and I REALLY GOT BLOWN AWAY, the daughter asked if I was single, said she had never in her life seen a man treat a cat like that.
She wanted to hook me up with Mom!
I asked the mom if I could give her a reward and of course she said no, the daughter on the other hand….. LMAO!

So I gave ’em what I had in my pocket, sixty bucks and thanked them about seventeen more times.
THIS TIME, I had a fucking cat carrier. My brother let me use his when he gave me this other cat, also named Baby.

This is going to be too easy, call one, get two!
My cat looks like she has missed a few meals but otherwise seems to be real happy to see me. Now I have some cheap entertainment in store. The second Baby, Baby Girl, after making my life hell and just now getting to be nice and friendly, has a serious case of the ass, now that there is another cat in the Rat Hole.

They’ll get over it, Baby#1 is a real friendly little cat, except fer strange people she don’t know, it won’t take too long.

I am just tickled and Thank you Big Guy, fer giving me a miracle.

14 thoughts on “My Baby Is BACK!!!!!

  1. Great story, busted 🙂

    I still miss my freezed dried cat, puck, tho!

    Puck was a very good cat. He’d stand up straight against where ever you put him and he made a great back scratcher too. The way he frozen looked like he was frozen in mid-leap. Tail straight, front legs forward, back legs rear and tongue stuck in a wave like motion.

    Alas dear puck, i knew em well.

  2. Great news! They really break your heart when they’re gone. I’m sure the two cats will eventually work things out. They might even learn to like each other.

  3. great news, busted! I’m sure they’ll eventually become friends, after all, only another cat does a good job of licking ears clean *g*

  4. woohoo! dancing happy dance for busted and the two babies. busted, this is just the best news i’ve heard in a long time – i’m so very happy for you and the girls.

  5. Awwwww…..I just got all kinds of warm fuzzies reading that. Or maybe it’s just the hotflashes. No, it’s warm fuzzies. Glad you got your baby back. Sometimes miracles come true. As for the new cat, well, I’m sure New Cat will make sure Baby knows that there’s a price to be paid for running away from 3 hots and a cot.

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